Saturday, October 12, 2013


Ever Heard of Agenda 21?

Don't be surprised if you have never heard of Agenda 21. That is because there is a truth deficit in the mainstream media. What it is, and even the fact that it exists is not covered in mainstream news outlets, which should be surprising considering its long-term global goals and design in relation to the environment. Then again, misdirection is something many have gotten used to from the media.

In a Nutshell

There is no way to completely explain the content or intent of Agenda 21 in one single article.  However, what follows is an overview that should bring you up to speed and give you the facts you need to form an opinion for yourself. 

  • Agenda 21 is the product of the U.N. Assembly, which, according to their own website, is a "comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally, and locally by organizations of the United Nations system, governments and major groups, in every area in which human impacts on the environment."
  • A globalized strategy for co-opting state and federal governments around the world to produce universal control over even private property in the name of protecting the environment.
  • Ultimate control of land use, transportation systems and something called "human settlement planning."
  • It is dependent on the flow of resources from wealthier nations to developing countries in order to finance these programs around the world.

·        Basically, this plan will result in a centralized governing agency telling people where, when, how and if they can live their lives, in every facet of their lives. If that sounds like One World Government, you would be correct. It is no secret that the U.N. consistently seeks great governing power over the world's nations. One of the only things standing in the way of that objective are free people who refuse to voluntarily surrender control over their lives. Getting those people then, to think the idea is their own, is the only logical step to successful implementation. 

What is the ICLEI

The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, or ICLEI, is better known today as Local Governments for Sustainability. It is a growing coalition of local governments around the world, including the United States, whose goals are promoting sustainable living. According to the website, a US based branch, they "share a broad desire to make their communities better places to live by making them greener, more efficient, and healthier, and by taking action against climate change…"

ICLEI members share the goals of Agenda 21 and are working to implement them on the State and local levels right under the nose of freedom loving people, all in the name of making this world a greener, healthier place to live. What could be wrong with that?

The Danger to Freedom

Many of the stated goals of Agenda 21 and their local advocates in the ICLEI sound reasonable, and even desirable. Don't we want a sustainable future? Don't we want a healthier planet? Don't we want everyone to get a fair chance in life? I think everyone would say yes to that. What many would not say yes to, is whether they are willing to turn over their personal liberties to a world governing body in order to accomplish that purpose, yet that is exactly what is happening in many places around the world. 

The affect of Agenda 21 can already be felt in many areas of our lives. With governments making decisions about the best fuels to use, the kind of air conditioner you should have, and what temperature is best for your home, we are already seeing the impact.

How can we expect a governing body that is notoriously corrupt, inefficient, inequitable, and unwilling to manage itself, to be able to guide us to a more sustainable, efficient and healthy environment. Of course we can't.  Some would argue that their goals have nothing to do with their stated purpose. 

When the U.N.'s own website describes this program as seeking to have a hand in every area where humans impact the environment, it is obvious that their goal is control.  What areas are not impacted by humanity?  Humanity is everywhere and touches everything. Therefore, to "protect" that environment, you would have to control the actions of that humanity. That humanity is us.

Your Choice

You may not believe the facts asserted in this article.  Perhaps you will research the truth deficit for yourself.  That is exactly what you should do.  Find out what Agenda 21 is all about.  Ask your local state and city officials if they are a part of the ICLEI.  Ask yourself if you want a global government telling you where, when, how and why you should live your life.  That is your question to answer.  This article is simply to put the subject in front of you for consideration.